Search results: Foreclosure Rates By State information
Articles on Foreclosure Rates By State from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Foreclosure Tsunami Continues in California
The foreclosure tsunami in California continues unabated. More foreclosures were started in California during the second quarter of 2007 than any comparable period in over ten years. We need to go all the way back to 1997 to see such record volume of foreclosures within the state. What has caused ...
Government at Every Level Will Not Help Homeowners Stop Foreclosure
Now that the banks and local governments are finding themselves in serious danger due to the housing crisis, they have been working together even more visibly than they always do. Mortgage companies experiencing defaults in record numbers are having a difficult time remaining solvent and have ...
When The American Dream Becomes The American Nightmare
You and your significant other pinch pennies until you are able to set aside enough money to make the down payment then you search and search until you find the right house, your house, and the house you have been dreaming about. What makes it a dream house is simply personal choice - what you ...
The Mortgage Liberator - Foreclosure Help? Learn to Ride to Your Own Rescue
The state of Ohio has helped some homeowners avoid foreclosure by cobbling together state and county emergency funds. But the $3 million put aside for assistance will hardly heal the subprime loan crisis. And while state and local officials have conceded that a slowing economy has contributed to ...
Getting Ready To Face Foreclosure
As interest rates have risen nationwide, and the real estate market has begun to stagnate or drop, foreclosures have become a rising problem. While there are many resources available for homeowners to save their homes, there are just as many scams out there. Many of these scam companies offer to ...
The Pre Foreclosure Guide
Foreclosures are said to be the financial epidemic of our time. There are many reasons that cause people to go into pre foreclosure. To name a few: divorce, layoffs, or change in income, illness, or death in the family. But, the one reason that banks have caused themselves,is from 'creative lending ...
Foreclosures- The Latest Stop on the NAFTA Superhighway to the Nearest Halliburton Detention Center
With foreclosure season just getting underway in the economy as the housing bubble has begun its unsurprising collapse, it bears some thinking about the current state of the middle class of America, which has been the hardest hit by the drops in housing values. Record foreclosure rates, a record ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
Rising Foreclosures - Drowning Home Owners Into Debts
A news article over MSN reads: 'foreclosures of property in US rising?, caught my attention making me anxious on what was going on in the US real estate market. Though there have been several news articles of similar or related issues written about it everyday, it felt as restless as I go through ...
How You Can Use A Mortgage Loan Modification to Prevent Foreclosure
Mortgage modifications are become more and more common, with the rising foreclosure rates in the United State, until recently mortgage, companies have been reluctant to provide help to people facing foreclosures by utilizing a mortgage modification program. Lenders are starting to use them more ...